PGGCG11 organizes an expert talk on “Expanding Chemist Horizon”

The Department of Chemistry at Post Graduate Government College for Girls, Sector -11, recently hosted an enlightening expert talk on September 11, 2023, centred around the captivating theme, “Expanding the Boundaries of Chemistry: Harnessing Nanotechnology to Emulate Nature.” The distinguished speaker for this event was none other than Professor Ashish Pal, a senior scientist affiliated with the Institute of Nano Science and Technology, Mohali.

During this engaging session, Professor Ashish Pal shared a wealth of insights into the fascinating realm of nanotechnology. He delved into diverse aspects, including the remarkable properties of carbon nanotubes, the intriguing field of piezoelectricity, and the pivotal role of gold nanoparticles in disease detection. With a forward-looking perspective, he underscored the transformative potential of nanotechnology in reshaping our world.

This extraordinary gathering proved to be a catalyst for nurturing the research acumen of the attending students, profoundly enriching their knowledge horizons. Professor Ashish Pal’s expertise and visionary outlook undoubtedly left an indelible mark, inspiring students to explore the limitless possibilities that nanotechnology offers in bridging the gap between science and nature.