PRAKRITI- The Environment Society of PGGCG-11 Organises Orientation Programme on 02-08-2023

Prakriti-The Environment Society of PGGCG-11, Chandigarh, is a group of dedicated students and faculty members committed to raising awareness and taking action on environmental issues. Their primary goal is to instill a sense of responsibility and environmental consciousness among the college community and beyond.

The Orientation Programme held on 2nd August, 2023, introduced new and interested students to the society’s objectives, values, and ongoing activities. Dr. Sadhana Verma, the Convener of Prakriti, led the session, providing valuable insights into the society’s vision and its role in addressing environmental challenges.

Prakriti organizes various activities throughout the year, including awareness campaigns, tree plantation drives, waste management initiatives, and collaborating with local communities on environmental projects.

Dr. Verma encouraged students to become members of Prakriti, emphasizing the personal growth and deeper understanding of environmental issues it offers. The enthusiastic response from about 70 participants showcased the increasing interest among the youth in environmental sustainability and their desire to contribute to a greener and healthier future.

Prakriti aims to expand its outreach and impact by engaging and empowering young minds. Through collective efforts, the society strives to promote sustainable practices and foster a sense of responsibility towards the planet for future generations.