VIRASAT SOCIETY of History Department PGGCG-11, organises a talk to commemorate the Teachers’ Day

VIRASAT SOCIETY of History Department PGGCG-11, organises a talk to commemorate the Teachers’ Day in the Multi Media Centre at 12 noon on September 05, 2023. The topic of the talk was “INDIAS MESSEGE OF UNIVERSAL BROOTHERHOOD AND ACCEPTENCE’’. The Programme starts with a Prayer by a student and the main Speaker was Swami Anupamananda Ji Secretary at Sri Rama Krishna Mission, Sector-15, Chandigarh.

The Principal of the College Prof. ( Dr. ) Anita Kaushal  honoured the speaker and addressed the students and inspired them to participate and inculcate the rich Indian legacy of ‘ Unity in diversity ’ .

The main theme of the talk was to remember Swami Vivekananda’s Concept of Universal Brotherhood and Acceptance on his meaningful journey of life with various example to motivate the students. He also mentioned about the groundbreaking speech to the 1893 world’s Parliament of Religions his great experience in Chicago. He also highlighted the importance of our rich Indian Cultural Heritage.

More than Eighty Five students attended this lecture. After Question/ answer session the Vote of thanks was given by Head of the Department Dr. Asha Kiran .