To honour the sacrifices of our brave freedom fighters, an Open House was organized, where students paid heartfelt tributes to the martyrs. A poetry recitation session highlighted their selfless devotion to the nation. Additionally, a poster-making activity allowed students to express their patriotic sentiments creatively. On January 30, 2025, the staff and students of Post Graduate Government College for Girls, Sector-11, Chandigarh, solemnly observed Martyr’s Day by observing two minutes of silence, reflecting on the valour and dedication of those who laid down their lives for the country. Their sacrifices continue to inspire generations.
Category: Events
PGGCG-11 organised a Talk on “Power of Togetherness, Fostering Harmonies in our Communities”
PG Department of Sociology and Department of Philosophy organised a Talk on the Topic “Power of Togetherness, Fostering Harmonies in our Communities” on 29.01.2025.
Dr. Iqbal Singh Lalpura, Honourable Chairman, National Commission of Minorities, Govt. of India was the Chief Guest and Ms. Anuradha S. Chagti, Secretary Social Welfare Women and Child Development, Chandigarh Administration was the Guest of Honour. Prof. Pampa Mukerjee, Chairperson, Department of Political Science, PU, Chandigarh and Dr. Bharati Garg, Chairperson, Department of Public Administration, PU, Chandigarh were esteemed panelists.
Principal Prof. Anita Kaushal welcomed the guests and delineated the theme. She observed that Diversity of India adds to its richness and Harmony can be achieved by kindness and empathy. Quoting Mahatma Gandhi and Swami Vivekanand she highlighted that togetherness and Harmony have been the hallmark of our rich cultural heritage.
Prof. Pampa Mukherjee, stressed that we should celebrate our differences, embrace diversity, prioritise unity in diversity and make togetherness a beacon of hope. Reciting a poem Dr. Bharti Garg emphasised that conflicts are omnipresent in the society but we should not let them dominate our togetherness.
In her address Ms. Anuradha S. Chagti, an illustrious Alumna of the college felt nostalgic and relived her student days. She advised the students not to be judgemental as it deters harmony. She motivated the students to travel in the remote areas and to develop a connect with the people. This way they can realise the diverse culture of the nation and learn to become harmonious.
Dr Iqbal Singh Lalpura, Chairman of National Commission For Minorities, Government of India, delivered a talk on “Power of Togetherness,” at Post Graduate Govt College For Girls, Sector 11, Chandigarh. He emphasised that the power of togetherness holds profound significance in a world that often faces division and conflict. Togetherness fosters empathy, respect, and mutual understanding—values that are not only fundamental to humanity but are also enshrined in the teachings of our great leaders and spiritual traditions.
Dr. Ambuj Sharma, Convenor, moderated the session in a streamline way and Ms. Monika Vij Sikka, Coordinator proposed a vote of thanks.
PGGCG-11 celebrated 76th Republic Day
76th Republic Day was celebrated in Post Graduate Government College for Girls, Sector-11, Chandigarh on 26.01.2025. Prof. Anita Kaushal, Principal of the college unfurled the National Tricolour. Faculty members, Non-teaching staff and students attended the ceremony.
The students of Music Insturmental Department presented “Rashtriya Geeton Ka Vaadya Vrind”, a kaleidoscope of patriotic songs. The students of Music Vocal Department rendered songs that filled the atmosphere with nationalistic fervor. Speeches and poems by the students invoked the spirit of nationalism amongst all. A tree plantation drive was also organised by NSS volunteers.
Addressing the students, Principal Prof. Anita Kaushal extended her heartfelt congratulations to both the students and staff on this momentous occasion. She emphasized that the Constitution of India stands as the world’s longest written document of guiding principles, shaping India into a proud Republic.
She urged the students to draw inspiration from the lives of Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and other national leaders and strengthen the pillars of democracy in pursuits of progress.
Highlighting the remarkable strides in women’s empowerment and the institution’s achievements, she motivated the students to work diligently with unwavering dedication and integrity to build a brighter future for themselves, society, and the nation.
PGGCG-11 celebrated National Voters’ Day
The Electoral Literacy Club of PGGCG-11, Chandigarh, organized an Expert Talk on the occasion of National Voters’ Day on 25-01-2025. Dr. Sunaina from the Department of Laws, Panjab University, Swami Sarvanand Giri Regional Centre, Hoshiarpur, delivered an insightful session on “Contemplating National Voters’ Day through the Prism of Democracy: A Constitutional Approach.” She emphasized the significance of voting in a democratic society and the constitutional rights of voters.
To mark the occasion, both teaching and non-teaching staff took a solemn pledge to exercise their voting rights responsibly, ensuring free and fair elections. Students also participated by taking a pledge to cast their votes with integrity, reinforcing their commitment to democracy. The event aimed to create awareness about electoral responsibilities and empower individuals to contribute actively to the nation’s democratic process.
PGGCG-11 signed a MoU with IFM Fincoach Global Pvt. Ltd.
Department of Computer Applications of Post Graduate Government College for Girls signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with IFM Fincoach Global Pvt. Ltd., Industrial Area, Sector 73, Mohali on 21-01-2025. Recognizing the mutual benefits of collaboration between IFM Fincoach and the College to enhance the skills and employability of Undergraduate (UG) and Postgraduate (PG) candidates in the Banking, Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI), both parties hereby enter this Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
The MoU was signed between Prof (Dr) Anita Kaushal, Principal, PG Government College for Girls, Sector 11, Chandigarh and Mr. Manoj Sehgal, Director, IFM Fincoach Global Pvt. Ltd.
This collaboration represents a significant step toward creating smarter, more resilient financial services. Our combined expertise will allow us to better serve the needs of our students and stay ahead of industry trends.
The MoU shall remain in force for a period of 3 years. The primary objectives of MoU are to provide specialized training programs in BFSI to UG and PG candidates and to foster cooperation and partnership between IFM Fincoach and the college to promote academic and professional development in the BFSI sector.
PGGCG- 11 celebrated Lohri festival
The staff and students of PG Govt. College for Girls, Sector-11, Chandigarh, celebrated LOHRI with gaiety and fervor today. The celebrations began with the lighting of bonfire by the Principal Prof. Anita Kaushal. Members of teaching, non-teaching faculty and students graced the occasion on 13-1-2025.
Luddi, Boliyan and other folklores were sung that captivated the atmosphere. Students dressed in colorful folk attires performed Giddha and a vast gathering of students danced to the tunes of Dhol. The teaching and non-teaching members also joined to rejoice and could not resist swerving their feet to the traditional melodies and Punjabi folk songs.
Greeting the students and the staff members on the occasion, Principal Prof. Anita Kaushal signified the importance of girl child in Punjabi culture and stressed that this festival symbolizes the love and affection for girls. She motivated them to celebrate all traditional festivals in their true spirit and propagate our rich cultural heritage.
The traditional sweets – Reoris, Gajjak, Moongfali etc. were shared and enjoyed by all including guests.
PGGCG-11 organised Vishwa Hindi Diwas
स्थानीय पीजीजीसीजी-11, महाविद्यालय चण्डीगढ़ के सभागार में प्राचार्या प्रो.(डॉ.) अनीता कौशल के कुशल नेतृत्व में हिन्दी, संस्कृत, दर्शन विभाग के पारस्परिक सहयोग से ‘विश्व हिंदी दिवस’ के विशेष उपलक्ष्य पर “प्रकृति रक्षा में साहित्य, जलवायु परिवर्तन का स्त्री समाज पर प्रभाव” विषय पर एक कार्यशाला का आयोजन किया गया।यह कार्यक्रम पंजाब नेशनल बैंक के सहयोग से शुरुआत समिति करनाल हरियाणा की पहल पर आधारित था।
कार्यक्रम की शुरुआत मंगलाचरण और माँ शारदा के गीत से आरम्भ हुई, जिसे महाविद्यालय की छात्राओं द्वारा गाया गया। तदुपरांत कार्यक्रम की अध्यक्षता प्रो (डॉ) अनिता कौशल का विधिवत् रूप से पुष्प भेंट से स्वागत किया गया। मुख्य अतिथि डॉ. राजेश प्रसाद, क्षेत्रीय प्रबन्धक, पीएनबी चण्डीगढ़, मुख्य वक्ता प्रो.(डॉ.) सुधा सिंह, हिन्दी विभाग, दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय का विधिवत् रूप से पुष्पगुच्छ देकर और शाल व पुस्तकोपहार भेंट करते हुए स्वागत किया गया।
सत्र में मुख्य वक्ता डॉ. सुधा सिंह ने अपना वक्तव्य दिया उन्होंने कहा कि स्त्रीवादी दृष्टि से तार्किक शास्त्र सशक्त हो चुका है।स्त्री केंद्र में होने के कारण ही आधुनिक नवजागरण अधिक विकसित हुआ।इसके साथ ही उन्होंने पर्दा प्रथा से लेकर सुशिक्षित होने तक की दशा और दिशा पर विस्तार से प्रकाश डालते हुए भारतीय स्त्रीवाद की महत्ता से रूबरू कराया।
इसके बाद द्वितीय सत्र में डॉ राजेश प्रसाद ने हिन्दी भाषा और उसकी संस्कृति के आर्थिक संवर्द्धन हेतु बैंकिंग का मेहतनीय योगदान पर विस्तार से प्रकाश डाला और कार्यालयों में भाषिक प्रयोग के महत्त्व पर बल दिया और साथ ही भाषा के हनन पर गहन चिन्ता की ओर भी चेताया और स्वदेश प्रेम की बात करते हुए भाषा की सेवा करके ही देश की सेवा की जा सकती है, पर बल दिया।
सत्र में पृथक्-पृथक् महाविद्यालयों से आए हुए 120 विद्यार्थियों ने प्रकृति रक्षा संबंधित कविताओं का पाठ किया और पोस्टर मेकिंग में भाग लिया तथा शुरुआत समिति करनाल के विद्यार्थियों ने पी एन बी के आर्थिक सहयोग से तैयार की गई लघु नाटिका के साथ संगीतमयी प्रस्तुतियाँ भी दी, जिससे सभागार में सभी श्रोतागण मंत्रमुग्ध हो गए।
इस कार्यक्रम में चण्डीगढ़ के सभी महाविद्यालयों से विद्यार्थीगण एवं शिक्षकगण उपस्थित रहे।
धन्यवाद ज्ञापन डॉ. मोहन लाल जाट ने किया I समापन सत्र में पुरस्कार वितरण सभी प्रतिभागियों को पुस्तकें भेंट कर सम्मानित किया गया।मंच संचालन की भूमिका डॉ. अम्बुज शर्मा ने बखूबी निभायी।कार्यक्रम का समापन राष्ट्रगान के साथ संपन्न हुआ। इस दौरान प्रो गुनीता चड्ढा, प्रो मंजीत धवन, प्रो मोना सिंह, प्रो साधना वर्मा, डॉ मीना, डॉ कमल कृष्ण, डॉ संगम वर्मा आदि मौजूद रहे।
Faculty and students of P.G. Govt. College for Girls, Sec-11, Chandigarh celebrated Rashtriya Ekta Diwas 2024 in the campus
On Rashtriya Ekta Diwas, Principal Prof. Anita Kaushal led over one hundred faculty members in taking the National Unity Pledge, fostering a spirit of unity and patriotism. Students expressed their creativity and commitment to national unity by designing posters that highlighted their views on integrity and harmony. Forming a Human Chain, they held these posters high to generate awareness of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel’s significant role in promoting national cohesion. This powerful display of solidarity underscored the collective commitment of students and faculty alike to uphold and celebrate India’s unity and diversity.
पोस्ट ग्रेजुएट गवर्नमेंट कॉलेज फॉर गर्ल्स, सेक्टर -11, चंडीगढ़ में ‘हिंदी और संस्कृत कहानियों में नैतिक मूल्य ’ के व्याख्यान का आयोजन
हिंदी विभाग और संस्कृत विभाग ,पोस्ट ग्रेजुएट गववर्नमेंट कॉलेज फॉर गर्ल्स,सेक्टर -11, चंडीगढ़ की ओर से ‘हिंदी और संस्कृत कहानियों में नैतिक मूल्य ’विषयपर दिनांक 26 .10 .2024 को कक्ष सख्या-210 में 11 से 12 .00 बजे के बीच व्याख्यानका आयोजन किया गया । समारोह के मुख्य वक्ताप्रो. ईश्वर जे. पवार, अध्यक्ष: हिन्दी विभाग एवं निदेशक-पी.जी. स्टडीज एवं रिसर्च सेंटर,सी. टी. बोरा कॉलेज,शिरुर,पुणे और अतिथि प्रो. अशोक कुमार सभरवाल अध्यक्ष:हिन्दी विभाग, ,पंजाब विश्वविद्यालय,चंड़ीगढ़ और प्रो. रेणु त्रिखा मंचासीन थे । सरस्वती वन्दना संस्कृत विभाग की छात्राओं मनवीर कौर,मानसी,तमन्ना और भाव्या शर्मा ने सस्वर प्रस्तुत की । मुख्य वक्ता एवं अतिथि का स्वागत प्रो. रेणु त्रिखा और डा. चंदन लाल गुप्ता ने फूलों का गुलदस्ता देकर किया। डा. मोहन लाल जाट,विभागाध्य्क्ष: हिंदी विभाग ने मुख्य वक्ता,प्राचार्य, उपस्थित संकाय सदस्यों और सभी छात्राओं का अभिनन्दन एवं स्वागत किया। प्रो. ईश्वर जे. पवारने अपने उद्बोधन में हिंदी की ‘एक टोकरी भर मिट्टी,कफन,आंसुओं की होली,चीफ की दावत,अकेली,वापसी’ जैसी सुप्रसिद्ध कहानियों और संस्कृत की ‘कथा सरितसागर,पंचतंत्र,अष्टवक्र,विक्रम बेताल’ आदि ग्रंथों में संग्रहीत नैतिक कहानियों के उदाहरण देते हुए जीवन में नैतिक मूल्यों का महत्व बताया और कहा कि हमारा नैतिक-चरित्र बल ही हमारी श्रेष्ठ पूंजी है,जिसे हमें संजोकर रखना है और भविष्य की पीढ़ी को हस्तांतरित करना है । कार्यक्रम में मुख्य वक्ता को ‘मेवाड़ हूँ मैं’पुस्तक भेंट की गई ।
इस अवसर पर डा. अम्बुज शर्मा,डा. चन्दन लाल गुप्ता, डा. कमाल कृष्ण,डा. मीना रानी आदि संकाय सदस्य उपस्थित रहे । कार्यक्रम में 85 विद्यार्थी उपस्थित थे। डा. चन्दन लाल गुप्ता ने अतिथियों,वक्ता,प्राचार्य और सभी श्रोताओं का धन्यवाद ज्ञापित किया।
PGGCG-11 organised “Capacity Building Workshop on Substance Abuse Prevention” on World Mental Health Day 2024
Post Graduate Govt. College for Girls, Sector 11, Chandigarh, organised a Capacity Building Awareness Workshop on Substance Abuse Prevention and Mental Health Awareness on the occasion of “World Mental Health Day” led by Field Expert Mr. Dikshant Sharma and Ms. Shikha Jain, Tele Manas Counsellor, GMCH, Sector 32, Chandigarh respectively on 10th October 2024. Around 150 participants were present during the workshop.