Wall Magazines

Wall Newspaper - Functional English Elective Course

The students of BA-III Functional English prepare a Wall Newspaper each year.  This is a collaborative effort of the entire class. The students prepare a Newspaper exactly on the lines of an actual newspaper.  It comprises sections like Politics, Economics, Sports, Movie and Book Reviews, Obituaries.  Each student writes articles on these topics and then the newspaper is compiled.  Thereafter the printouts are pasted on the wall outside the Department of English.  Students and faculty visit and read the newspaper. This is part of the curriculum of the Functional English course and the students participate actively in the project.

Department of Philosophy Wall Magazine REFLOSOPHY

‘Reflosophy’, the wall magazine of the Department of Philosophy provides a platform to the students of Philosophy department to showcase their creative talent and reflect their writing skills. It comprises book reviews, film reviews, poetry and articles on significant issues.


  • To provide an opportunity to the students of philosophy to explore new ideas
  • To reflect upon issues with philosophical perspectives
  • To help the students develop analytical and critical rational skills
  • To augment creative writing