Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

The college envisions a holistic development of the students so that they become empowered citizens and contribute to the development of the nation. IQAC plays the key role in designing and operationalizing all such endeavours that cater to the progress of the institution, upgradation in the knowledge base and skills of the members of teaching faculty and non-teaching   staff and wholesome development of the students.  This can be in the form of refurbishing of infrastructure, organising academic enhancement measures, adding courses, initiating skill-oriented programsand undertaking all such activities which can contribute to academic quality enhancement.

Aims and Objectives:

  • To realize the goals of quality enhancement and sustenance
  • To improve the quality of education
  • To boost satisfaction of students and parents by creating an interface, and fulfilling their needs and expectations.
  • To develop a system that improves the overall performance of the institution and removes the deficiencies thereby improving the quality
  • To initiate measures to strengthen the infrastructure and undertake events for academic augmentation.

Members of IQAC

Members of IQAC (Session: 2022-23)
Prof. (Dr.) Anita KaushalPrincipal
Mr. Ajay Kumar SharmaDean
Dr. Monika VijVice Principal
Dr. Dalip KumarExternal Member, Former Dean Faculty of
Dairying Animal Husbandry and Agriculture
Dr. Sangeeta MehtaniAlumna
Dr. Umesh BhartiMember
Dr. Gurjeet KaurMember
Dr. Madhumita Member
Dr. Sukhwant SidhuMember
Dr. Naveen PandhiMember
Mr. Ambuj SharmaMember
Dr. Jai BhartiLibrarian
Dr. Neelam RatheeChief Warden
Ms. Pallavi Thakur Student Representative